Hi :)
I’m an independent art director and designer based in New York City. I specialize in editorial design, art publications, exhibition design, and identities. Feel free to drop me an e-mail ︎
The New York Times, Opinion
Art Director (2022–24)
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Associate Director, Design (2021–22)
Art Director (2017–21)
Senior Designer (2014–16)
Mother Design
Designer (2012–14)
French Institute Alliance Française
Designer (2010–12)
Yolanda Cuomo Design
Designer (2009)
Best Art Exhibitions catalogue (Cézanne Drawing)
Best Artbooks (Meret Oppenheim)
FILAF prix d’or (Nixon Drawings)
FILAF prix d’art moderne (Nixon Drawings)
Type Directors Club 64 (Club 57)
Type Directors Club 64 (Frank Lloyd Wright)
Type Directors Club 64 (Lygia Pape)
HOW In-House (Frank Lloyd Wright)
Type Directors Club 62 (Jacob Lawrence)
Print Design Annual (Picasso Sculpture)
I’m an independent art director and designer based in New York City. I specialize in editorial design, art publications, exhibition design, and identities. Feel free to drop me an e-mail ︎