Tania Bruguera: Untitled (Havana, 2000)
Publication design, art direction, typography
Client: The Museum of Modern Art
Initially conceived for the 7th Havana Biennial in 2000, Untitled (Havana, 2000) was first presented in the Cabaña Fortress, a military bunker used as a jail for prisoners of conscience during the Cuban Revolution. From colonial times through the early years of the Revolution, the counterrevolutionary opposition was tortured and executed by firing squad at the Fortress. Combining milled sugarcane, video footage of Fidel Castro, and live performance presented in near-total darkness, Untitled (Havana, 2000) evokes the contradictions of life in the wake of the Cuban Revolution. The work, which was on view for mere hours in Havana before being shut down by the Cuban government, embodies Bruguera’s complex relationship to authority.
Organized by Stuart Comer with Martha Joseph, Lizzie Gorfaine, and Kate Scherer; Creative Direction: H.Y. Ingrid Chou; Art Direction and Design: Damien Saatdjian, Chris Rypkema; Production: Claire Corey, Tom Black, Paulette Giguere; Typeface: MoMA Sans, MoMA Sans Condensed (Commercial Type).