MoMA COVID-19 Signage
Art direction, illustration, signage
Client: The Museum of Modern Art
As we started planning on how to safely reopen the museum to our visitors and staff, understanding the new flow of the museum and providing an abundance of clear signage were two of our leading principles.
This was a huge cross-departmental collaboration that included our team, Visitor Engagement, Curatorial, Security, and Operations. In order for multiple teams to collaborate while working remotely, we created shared floorplans of the entire museum to identify critical signage locations to signal one-way traffic, social distancing, and general Covid-19 safety guidelines, like obligatory mask-wearing, cleanliness, and contactless protocols. For our safety guidelines, we commissioned Nicolas Ménard to create more inviting illustrations that incorporated MoMA-specific imagery.
Once we had access to the building, the team walked through numerous times to fully understand the visitor flow and to ensure an enjoyable and safe experience.
Art Direction: Jarrod Barretto and Damien Saatdjian; Design: David Klein and Prin Limphongpand; Illustrations: Nicolas Ménard