Francis Picabia: Our Heads Are Round so Our Thoughts Can Change Direction
Art direction, exhibition design
Client: The Museum of Modern Art
Francis Picabia: Our Heads Are Round so Our Thoughts Can Change Direction is a comprehensive survey of Picabia’s audacious, irreverent, and profoundly influential work. For his first New York retrospective in over 45 years, we designed an exhibition identity whose typography and palette brought a sense of play. The exhibition's title is taken from a quote by the artist, and we juxtaposed his provocative voice throughout the ad campaign.
Organized by Anne Umland with Talia Kwartler; Creative Direction: H.Y. Ingrid Chou; Art Direction: Damien Saatdjian; Design: Damien Saatdjian, Danielle Hall; Production: Claire Corey, Paulette Giguere, Tom Black; Photographs: Martin Seck, Damien Saatdjian; Typeface: Dia (Schick Toikka)