Art direction and design

Unfinished Conversations: New Work from the Collection
March 19–July 30, 2017

Unfinished Conversations: New Work from the Collection brings together works by more than a dozen artists, made in the past decade and recently acquired by The Museum of Modern Art. The artists that make up this intergenerational selection address current anxiety and unrest around the world and offer critical reflections on our present moment. The design language for the exhibition takes its form from artistic and political manifestos—large, bold, and declaratory.

Designed at The Museum of Modern Art, and organized by Klaus Biesenbach, Lucy Gallun, Thomas J. Lax, Christian Rattemeyer, and Yasmil Raymond, with Elizabeth Henderson

Creative Direction: H.Y. Ingrid Chou; Art Direction and Design: Damien Saatdjian; Design: Deva Pardue; Production: Claire Corey, Tom Black; Typeface: MoMA Sans (Commercial Type)

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